Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Animation Reel

Hey Everyone! My latest reel is up on my website and blog - a special thanks to my Class 5 mentor, Brent Homman, as well as a big thank you to all my other mentors and friends who have helped me learn so much at Animation Mentor! Now on to Class 6 to really polish this thing up :)

Take it easy!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Looking For Hope" Final

Alright everyone, it's that time again! The very last assignment for Class 5!!! Can't believe how fast time at AM has gone, only one more class left... crazy. Anyways, this is the "final" although I'll be making what ever changes my mentor has next week before putting it on a new reel. Then it'll be really final... well until I have to open it back up for Class 6 Polishing and Portfolio :)

Take it easy!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Looking For Hope" Polish

Hey Guys, here's the weekly update! The shot is just about finished now- only a couple small polish things to go over next week to final it up! Take it easy! :)